Chemo on Monday went well. I was so much stronger after my break. The difference was immediately obvious. When I called Howard to tell him that I was done and back home he commented right away on how much stronger my voice sounded this time. And once again, my blood counts were perfect! That is just amazing. The first two times through chemo, if you recall I had a hard time with anemia and at one point my white blood cell count dropped as well. Your prayers that I can continue to eat well have worked friends. Please continue to pray for this.
Of course Monday night was steroid night so I didn't get much sleep. I made up for it on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. My pump as removed midday on Wednesday. I was pretty well whipped by then but still feeling so much better than the last few treatments.
The last treatment before my break was pretty challenging, but I didn't realize till now just how run down I had been the previous few treatments even before that. I'm glad that we decided to treat the fiasco that was my 13th treatment as a fluke. This one, number 14, was fine as it had been in the early stages of this chemo which began last fall. Of course there has been some mild nausea, but again it is controllable. I took a different tactic with it this time. Not wanting a repeat of #13, I have continued to take my anti-emetics regularly whether I felt I needed them or not.
Wednesday night I was pretty tired so I went to bed early again. Tonight, Thursday, I am exhausted and headed to bed any minute now.
I just can't thank the members of my church enough. Again, they have provided our meals on this chemo week as they have ever since this began. I am constantly amazed at the love, outpouring of support, and generosity that we have been the very grateful recipients of through this entire episode in our lives. It makes such a huge difference to not have dinner hanging over me when I'm really about done for the day.
Praising God that #13 was just a fluke. Glad you are stronger. I will keep praying you can eat well.
Prayers and love you way, Cindy.
Keeping an eye on you. Call if you need me.
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